Compete with a wild mountain lion

[ad_1] Run Wild to reconnect with nature and remember why mountain ecosystems deserve to be protected! This year you will compete against Gaia, a mountain lion living in the northwestern…

Friday Faves – The Fitnessista

[ad_1] Hello Hello! Happy Friday! What are you doing this weekend? We have an event at the children’s school, it’s my dad’s birthday and we have some friends swimming on…

10 tips for your training plan

[ad_1] Training plans help athletes set goals and achieve them. Creating training plans from scratch can be difficult and potentially dangerous if you do not have the appropriate experience or…

Lose a pound a week walking to lose weight

[ad_1] Walking to lose weight is one of the best ways to start losing weight. Walking is not only good for weight loss; there are also amazing benefits for mental…

Optimize productivity with working warm-ups

[ad_1] It’s no secret that warming up is running[1] it is important if it is a race or the usual weekly run. But many runners don’t know why (or what…

How to set examples of SMART fitness goals

[ad_1] Smart fitness goals are the destination or destinations of your fitness trip. Availability of concrete, measurable, achievable, appropriate and time-limited (SMART) the foreground goal in your mind helps to…

How to make your own “beer”

[ad_1] Every fall we get the urge to watch all the Harry Potter movies. Someone else? There is just a lot of autumn mood in these movies and we are…

How to prevent tingling in the inner thigh and nipple of the jogger

[ad_1] Are you tired of feeling your skin sanding slowly while exercising? Rubbing is a skin irritation caused by rubbing. Internal friction of the thigh is often caused by friction…

Eco-friendly races: Green your races

[ad_1] It is in the interest of every athlete to protect the environment. Athletes have the privilege of spending considerable time outdoors. Ensuring that our workouts and competitions are as…

4 ways to make your home a more positive space

[ad_1] Take a quick look around your home. How calm, charged and happy does your space make you feel? Because we all are still (moans, we know!) Spending a lot…