Friday Faves – The Fitnessista

[ad_1] Hey hey! Happy Friday! How was the week? I hope you did great! It was a bit vague here: tons of recording a podcast, preparing new plans for the…

Balancing fitness and motherhood with Courtney Alcala –

[ad_1] Hello friends! Today I’m talking to Courtney Alcala about balancing fitness and motherhood. It can be difficult to do all things, but she has some great tips and insights.…

A neurologist’s examination for caution with the military

[ad_1] The study at the Colorado Retreat Center yielded promising results. These participants had improved, which shows that attention can stimulate attention in ideal circumstances. But what to say less-of…

Favorite gym for fall and winter

[ad_1] I share my favorite fitness – from cozy layers and leggings to soft sports bras and hats – that I love for fall and winter. With the height of…

How Long Does It Take To See Skin Results From Collagen Supplements *

[ad_1] The way we come to the conclusion about how fast the supplement works is through research. In clinical trials, researchers are able to monitor changes in the body and…

Training schedule ► Be healthy and prepare

[ad_1] The workout schedule is one of the most challenging things for fitness. Elite athletes have coaches and sports scientists who tell them exactly how to plan their workouts. While…

What is it and dermis tips for help

[ad_1] Given the problem here is the lack of moisture, which leads to a compromised skin barrier and inflammation, really the solution should not surprise you: Hydrate, soothe and strengthen…

How white beauty standards affect mixed black women

[ad_1] We live in a society that is governed by what it looks like. As much as we praise the importance of inner beauty, personality, achievement, and the like, all…

10 frequently asked questions about fitness and their answers

[ad_1] Do you have a question about fitness? Share a post with some of the most common fitness questions with their answers. Please note that although I am a certified…

Intervals and HIIT weight loss workouts

[ad_1] aSinterval training is gaining popularity and is considered one of the most effective training methods. Especially in competitive sports, interval training is used to improve physical performance. But it…