Amazon Winter Fashion Faves – The Fitnessista

[ad_1] Sharing some of my favorite Amazon winter fashion faves! Hello hello! Happy Thursday! I hope you’re having a great week so far. I have a podcast interview, getting in…

5 Clear Signs Someone Is Lying To You, From Psychologists

[ad_1] If you’re convinced you’re being lied to, then comes the question of how to handle it. Birkel says it’s up to you whether the lie is worth confronting. Consider…

Pilates Chat and Why Self Care Isn’t Selfish with Lesley Logan

[ad_1] Hey hey friends! I’m so excited for today’s podcast episode because we have someone on the show who is a personal friend and someone I deeply admire: Lesley Logan.…

13 Reasons Why People Stay In Bad Relationships

[ad_1] The deal with gaslighting isn’t just about someone lying to you. Really, it is someone consistently screwing with your sense of reality, such that black becomes white, and white…

Rethink New Year’s Resolutions ► Beginner Workout Plans For 2023

[ad_1] Every New Year’s, the message is always the same: “do better, in less time”. We find ourselves scrolling online through end-of-the-year recaps, reels of people’s travels and accomplishments, and…

School morning breakfasts for kids

[ad_1] Sharing a roundup of some of my favorite options for QUICK breakfasts for the kids on busy school mornings. Please share your favorite in the comments section below! Hi…

The 8 Best Pore Minimizers Of 2022 For Silky-Smooth Skin

[ad_1] Here’s the thing about pores: You can’t really change their size. “Pore size is genetic,” board-certified dermatologist Cybele Fishman, MD, once shared with mbg, and holistic esthetician Britta Plug…

5 Markers Of True Metabolic Health + How To Optimize Them

[ad_1] Body mass index (BMI) considers height and weight to roughly estimate one’s height weight/adiposity status12 (ie, underweight, healthy, overweight, obesity). While useful in certain clinical settings and for broad…

Why Sleep Is Getting Personal In 2023, According To Sleep Experts

[ad_1] From sleep chronotype to age to how much you work out, there are countless things impacting your sleep and circadian rhythm every single day—which is why it’s so important…

Biotechnology Is Changing Clean Beauty As We Know It

[ad_1] But at mindbodygreen, “clean beauty” means formulas that are both good for you and the planet, which is another reason why this move towards biotech feels particularly exciting: Lab-derived…