Parents of Michigan school shooting suspect accused of manslaughter (update)


Earlier this week, a shooting occurred at a high school in Michigan, in which four students unfortunately lost their lives and several others were injured. The suspect in the shooting was later identified as 15-year-old Ethan Crumbley. The child’s parents are now also accused of the shooting.

According to Associated Press, the parents of Ethan Jennifer and James Crumbley have been charged with four counts of manslaughter. Auckland County Attorney Karen MacDonald said the parents’ actions in the incident were “far beyond negligence”.

She continued: “The parents were the only people who knew about access to weapons. It seems that the gun was freely available to this man. Eaton, who is charged as an adult, faces at least 24 post-incident charges, including murder, attempted murder and terrorism. After the shooting, officers confirmed that Eaton’s father had bought the pistol used in the shooting just four days before the incident.

During a press conference at which MacDonald announced the charges against the parents, she also said that a teacher saw Ethan looking for ammunition on his phone while in class. His mother called the school to inform her, but said they had not received a response from her. Eaton and his mother reportedly received text messages about the incident, in which investigators said she said, “Wow, I’m not mad at you, you have to learn not to get caught.”

MacDonald told WJR-AM: “All I can say at this point is that these actions on behalf of Mom and Dad go beyond negligence. We are obviously pursuing the shooter the most … There are other people who need to be held accountable. ”

Like previously Eaton reportedly pleaded not guilty to the charges against him and his bail was denied.

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TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @ Jade_Ashley94


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