Cody Rigsby reveals her tips on how to stay furious in dry January


E !: Apart from staying sober during the month and sweating your bike during your classes, what other health and wellness tips do you have for people who want to make a change in their overall health but don’t know where to start?

CR: For me, the last four to five months have been really, really stressful Dancing with the stars, Peloton and all sorts of things, for which I am very grateful. But for the three months I did Dancing with the stars and I taught my classes, there were no days off for me. And I don’t mean that by boasting or hyperbolically. I literally didn’t have zero days off. And it can be an amazing achievement, but at the same time there was a moment when I didn’t connect with myself. It was just a list of tasks with a lot of stress that knocked me down.

So, I think for anyone like me who’s trying to use January as a time to reset or find a way for themselves, what really matters is what intention you put into it. What is the “why” that you do? And for me, it’s really about finding time to connect with myself and see what I need. I think this is a form of literally radical selfishness. That’s why dry January is also extremely important, because you can say no to social events or drinking, which will be fun; but at the same time it is a distraction, confusing your sleep, can sometimes interfere with your judgment. And drinking out tonight can really confuse the plan that you had to take a class on a Saturday morning or take those weights on a Saturday morning. It has a domino effect.

E !: Given your busy schedule, how do you practice self-service?

CR: It’s very simple for me. In the morning it’s about not being on my phone. I want to make sure that I do not connect with social media and will not skip emails or work. So if that means waking up a little earlier than my calendar, so be it. Most of the time I have time for myself in the morning, so it’s really about breaking up and not starting my day stressful.


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