What really causes possession in a relationship


There is one main reason for insecurity that causes possession: self-abandonment. By self-abandonment, I mean not taking responsibility for your own sense of security and self-worth, and instead making your partner responsible for making you feel safe, loved, and loved.

No matter how much your partner tries to make you feel safe, such as spending more time with you or limiting his contact with anyone who threatens you, you will still feel insecure if you give up. self-condemn, ignore your feelings, or drive a partner responsible for your self-esteem. You will always feel insecure, inadequate and not good enough, and you will always feel threatened by others when you reject and abandon yourself.

Inner security is the result of one thing: learning to see, appreciate, and love what you are in the essence of your soul.

Each of us comes to life with a beautiful soul – a spark of the divine with our own wonderful qualities and gifts. When we fall in love with each other, we fall in love with the real soul self of the other. But not long after in a relationship, if you have abandoned yourself, the fears of losing yourself or losing your partner are triggered and the programmed ego hurt I take power with your false beliefs that you are not good enough – not smart enough, not attractive enough , not successful enough, not interesting enough, not funny enough, etc. Then you may be threatened that your partner is spending time with other people.

Sometimes this possession is further activated by the other person. If you have a possessive partner, do you allow your partner to continue to abandon you, along with trying to control you? If you take responsibility for your partner’s feelings or give up on yourself, you allow your partner to continue to be possessive.


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