The Supplement I Use To Balance Work & Motherhood With Some Ease


When new to-dos crop up throughout the day, I know I don’t need to run around in a hectic manner—the L-theanine provides a lovely state of calm that assures me I can focus on the current task and will get to my other action items when the time is right.*

But at the same time, I’m still moving at a nice pace because focus+ gives me the energy to do things that need to be done. It’s a very organized, focused energy, and yet it’s accompanied by this calmness that’s very satisfying and quite unique. And thanks to the sustained-release caffeine from green coffee beans, this energy is even-keeled and consistent—it hasn’t changed from day to day (or even moment to moment).*

I also tend to get very distracted. I can be in the middle of a task, then something crosses my mind and I switch to a different task, and then a different task—which, frankly, is not that effective. In my work, I simply cannot afford to be unproductive, so this is something I’ve been actively working on.

focus+ really removed those executive function challenges for me. I can essentially stay on one task, then move to the next one, and then the next one, and those interrupting thoughts get muted in my head (which is super helpful for productivity).*

I move easily from task to task now and can give each task an equal amount of energy. I don’t need to summon the energy to tackle the next thing on my to-do list anymore because I feel like I’m in the zone all the time.

With focus+, there’s no such thing as a mid-afternoon slump either! Obviously, this is great from a productivity standpoint, but it also supports my overall health and well-being; there’s no need to debate with myself about eating unhealthy snacks now that my energy doesn’t lull in the afternoon.*

This energy lasts not only through my workday, but well into my evening. I don’t feel tired or exhausted after work, so I can spend active, quality time with my daughter and husband. I still have the stamina to go for a walk, play at the playground, and read my daughter a book before bed. After all that, I can enjoy a nice dinner and a movie with my husband. What more could a busy working mom ask for?


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