The guide of Nina Dobrev and Julian Huff to achieve your New Year’s goals


Well !: You’re both so busy. What are some tips for staying on top of your goals for the new year and everything else you already have?
JH: I think it’s about finding achievable goals. I think sometimes we go so far as to “I’ll lose 50 pounds in two months.” And this is simply not possible. It is easier to achieve your goals when you try to do it in a sustainable way. Creating achievable goals is the way to go, because you can really celebrate your victories every day against something that seems impossible to achieve.

Goal setting is about what you want to feel and the emotion you want to experience, not about the actual thing you achieve. Many people talk about health and well-being. So if you want to be healthy, instead of saying “I want to be healthy,” ask yourself about the feeling you want to feel when you’re healthy. In particular, you may want to feel energetic or light, or just have less brain fog and feel clear. I believe that connecting with these feelings that you will get from achieving your goals, instead of just focusing on something you want to do, is the big difference between setting and achieving your goals.

ND: Another great thing is to surround yourself with good people and people you want to succeed with, people who motivate you, and people who will push you to make sure you achieve your goals. They say that the first five people you are closest to are your reflection. And if you surround yourself with people who are unmotivated and lazy, who are not goal-oriented, it will be really difficult for you to stay on the road. That’s why it’s a high priority for me to hang out with Julian.

JH: Intimacy is strength. Ask yourself “Who do you want to be?” Surround yourself with these people. And, of course, I’m very lucky to be able to hang out with Nina.


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