The best antioxidants for any skin care


Antioxidants are a must-have addition to your skin care routine. By targeting free radicals, antioxidants can provide all kinds of skin care benefits. First, let’s analyze what exactly free radicals are and how they work: Free radicals are unstable molecules that lack electrons. To gain stability, they look for electrons from healthy cells, which causes healthy cells to turn into radicals, leading to an endless vicious circle.

Although our bodies naturally produce free radicals, other environmental factors such as UV light, pollution, your diet and cigarette smoke can generate free radicals. Sometimes we can even inadvertently add extra free radical stress to our skin by being too aggressive with our products or routine. That’s all I have to say: Free radicals can come from many places.

Free radical overload causes oxidative stress, which leads to the breakdown of collagen, an obstacle to the natural process of skin repair and inflammation. It can also weaken the skin barrier and disrupt the microbiome of your skin. All this can lead to aesthetic indicators such as discoloration, sagging, seizures, acne, fine lines and more.

Antioxidants then intervene to lend a hand. “Antioxidants are compounds that prevent oxidation,” said board-certified dermatologist Debra Jaliman, Ph.D.

What does this mean in practice? “It’s a key substance that can prevent or slow down cell damage caused by free radicals,” said Orit Markovic, a dermatologist and founder of OptiSkin in New York, a doctor of medicine. “Antioxidants are things that interact with free radicals and they reduce those free radicals on our skin, creating a healthier environment.”

With the help of antioxidants, the skin can improve its texture, tone and overall health by focusing on everything from fine lines to acne to dullness.


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