Review of Les Mills TONE – The Fitnessista


Les Mills TONE is a workout for the whole body, combining cardio, strength and basic work. It is designed to sculpt, challenge and strengthen your muscles. Learn about the workout in this review and use my link to try it out for 30 days for free, plus all the amazing workouts on the Les Mills + platform.

hey hey! How does it heal you in the morning? I hope you have a great time so far. I LOVE these early morning walks with the little ones. The weather was wonderful and this is the perfect way to start the day. The rest of the day is filled with conference calls and work on some things behind the scenes (fitness plans will be 50% off for my birthday next week!) And I’m excited to catch a workout at Les Mills TONE later today. This is a newer training format for me, so I decided to share a review here !! This is really the ENTIRE package and the quality of Les Mills, which I love so much – I think you will like it too. 😉

What is Les Mills TONE?

From the website:

LES MILLS TONE combines blocks of strength, cardio and basic training in a complete and comfortable workout, which includes a combination of exercises to work the whole body and increase heart rate. Multi-peak training helps burn calories and build fitness and strength, while improving energy levels, flexibility, balance, agility and core strength. You will end up feeling empowered and on your way to a fully functional gym.

This workout combines so many elements in one workout. You will receive strength, cardio, basic and functional training – all in one session. I feel like it’s challenging me without being * too much * (for days when I don’t want to do intervals or too much exposure) and I feel centered after that, like I’ve just taken a yoga class.

Here is how the class is structured:

The class includes warm-up, cardio, cardio / strength, strength, strength / core, core and cooling. Like many of Les Mills’ workouts, each track has a specific focus and repeats the same basic movements with room for modification or progression. It has elements from the Les Mills classes I already love: BODYATTACK’s explosive cardio elements, GRIT STRENGTH and BODYPUMP’s power focus, BODYCOMBAT’s mind-body connection, mobility and key aspects of CORE, and GRIT’s high-energy intervals.

Here are some of the moves you can expect in a TONE class:

Cardio: side kicks, skaters, knee-lift combo, burpee, burpee-to-spider jump, jack jump, jump jump, side plio jump, bear crawl, surfer burpee, mountain climbers

Strength: counterattacks, pulsating blows, lifting the hind delta, lifting the calf, squats, folding the plate, plate press, lengthening the hind leg

Core: static squat with diagonal range, wood cutting, halo, hip bridge, 3-legged dog, crunch variations, leg extension pulse, single leg bridge

Les Mills TONE in action

Take a look at this super short sisler to see what it looks like:


Is Les Mills TONE good?

You guys are so good, but I can say that about almost every Les Mills workout. The instructors and the movements are phenomenal, and I love that the music always matches the movements. Movement is such a motivating factor and I like that Les Mills really harnesses that power and creates choreography and playlists that are inspiring. This workout is the complete package: you get strength, cardio, mobility work, functional training and a core, all in one.

How many calories do you burn in Les Mills TONE?

I’ve found that I usually burn between 200 and 300 in a 30-minute class, depending on my cardio workouts and how hard I work. I feel like strength training, burning calories is not a huge sign of a great workout. When you train for strength, you have a positive effect on your metabolism (muscles are hungrier than fat and need more fuel to maintain) and protect your joints and bones. These things can’t be measured with an Apple Watch, you know? 😉

Does TONE come to Les Mills on request?

TONE is now available in LMOD! They are rebranded to Les Mills +, but this is the same platform we all love. If you wanted to try Les Mills workouts, use my link for a 30-day free trial. This is the perfect way to try something new while heading to the holidays, and you can do the workouts anywhere. It is very convenient for a quick home workout or travel option.

So, tell me friends: are you a fan of Les Mills? Does your gym offer it? I keep asking to add it to our gym – I miss teaching BODYPUMP.

Any workouts or workout trends you want me to review?




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