Read for October 2021 – The Fitnessista


I share the books I read in October and if I think they are worth it!

Another month, 3 more books in the annual issue. To be completely honest, reading this month didn’t feel as stable as the previous ones: one was a repeat book and the other was a cookbook. It was the Pilot’s birthday, P’s birthday, Halloween, and what seemed like a thousand other things to me, so even though it was a busy month, I’m glad that goal encouraged me to stick to it. Glad to read more in November!

Here’s what I liked about October and whether I would recommend these.

1. The silent patient

I was nervous to read this one because I usually stay away from bloody, scary and violent books / movies. They have bad dreams, and with the Pilot’s travel schedule, I just knew it wasn’t a smart move for me. I completely cut them out years ago and didn’t look back. When I was looking at my options for the book of the month (I still like it!), It caught my eye and had great reviews.

I asked Instagram if you thought it was too much, and the majority said you should do it. It was INTENSIVE and super good. I like that it was a thriller without being violent / bloody. Mostly it was just tense. No spoiler, but I knew there would be a twist at the end and this one completely surprised me.

From Amazon:

Alicia Berenson’s life is seemingly perfect. A famous artist married to a sought-after fashion photographer, she lives in a large house with large windows overlooking a park in one of London’s most coveted areas. One night, her husband Gabriel comes home late from a fashion photo and Alicia shoots him five times in the face and then never speaks again.

Alicia’s refusal to speak or give any explanation turns the domestic tragedy into something far greater, a mystery that captures the imagination of society and throws Alicia into some glory. The price of her art skyrockets, and she, the silent patient, is hidden away from the tabloids and spotlights in Grove, a protected forensic unit in North London.

Theo Faber is a criminal psychotherapist who has been waiting a long time to work with Alicia. His determination to make her talk and solve the mystery of why she shot her husband leads him down a winding path to his own motives – a search for the truth that threatens to engulf him …

I’ve heard a lot of people hate the ending, but I thought it was amazing and so unexpected. That’s all I’m going to say! I give him 9/10.

2. 7 habits of highly efficient people

I read this book many years ago, in my lululemon days, and I really liked it. I decided to review some previous books on personal development with a gold star, so I listened to the one in Audible. It was a much needed refreshment, especially when it comes to working with teams. Most of my work is done here on the blog and on the programming / training results of Fit Team, but I am constantly looking for ways to create a community for Fit Team, here on the blog and with my Beautycounter team (50+ people).

From Amazon:

The 7 habits have become known and are integrated into the daily thinking of millions and millions of people. Why? Because they work!

With the added findings of Sean Covey on how habits can be used in our modern age, the wisdom of the 7 habits will be refreshed for a new generation of leaders.

They include:

Habit 1: Be proactive

Habit 2: Start with the thought of the end

Habit 3: Put the first things first

Habit 4: Think of winning / winning

Habit 5: Seek to understand first, then be understood

Habit 6: SynergizeHabit

7: Sharpen the saw

This favorite classic presents a principle-centered approach to solving both personal and professional problems. With insightful insights and practical anecdotes, Stephen R. Covey reveals a step-by-step path to living in justice, integrity, honesty and human dignity – principles that give us the security to adapt to change and the wisdom and strength to seize the opportunities that the change creates.

These are useful basics that you can use in your personal or professional life. I highly recommend this one! 10/10

3. Dreena’s kind cuisine: 100 vegan recipes with wholesome foods to enjoy every day

(Don’t pay attention to our Halloween yoga skeleton named Ezra Moonbeam, which will stay on our table)

As a non-vegan who loves vegan food, I couldn’t wait to grab this cookbook. I mentioned this in Friday Faves, but I decided there was a need for a place in my book summary because we enjoyed it so much! I have been a fan of Dryna Burton since the early days of the blog and so many of her recipes are appropriate in our house. Our copy of Eat, drink and be vegan is covered with spots and splashes of all the love she has acquired over the years.

This is her best work so far and I especially appreciate that she uses wholesome foods in her recipes. One of my biggest remarks about many vegan recipes is my dependence on chemical-laden ingredients and meat substitutes. It uses wholesome foods and leaves their inherent flavors to shine. I highly recommend this one! Beetroot crackers, waffles, cookies and beet burgers are fantastic. 10/10.

From Amazon:

Dreena Burton has been creating recipes for wholesome plant-based foods for more than 20 years. Home cooks know they can trust her recipes to make them great – and delicious! She has now created this one-stop-shop resource for making kinder, more compassionate food choices for other beings, for the planet, and for herself. Whether you need weekly main dishes for your family or want a dish to surprise your friends for a special occasion, Dreena’s Kind Kitchen offers you these reliable, fragrant and healthy recipes.

You will find a variety of snacks, salads and dressings, snacks, soups, appetizers and sweets, including:

• Muffins with lemon and poppy seeds

• Wow ‘Em Waffles

• Scrabble potatoes-cauliflower

• Chipotle potatoes with chickpeas

• White beans and corn soup

• Quicken Noodle Soup

• Truffle cheese salted with nuts

• Beyond beet burgers

• Fiesta Taco filling

• Italian Ratatouille

• Cake for a festive dinner

• Brownie with cracker blender

• Carrot cake with mango

• Paradise baklava

Dreena also shares a cooking troubleshooting section so you can improve your cooking skills. With helpful technique guidelines, time-saving tips, and suggestions for redirecting leftovers into delicious new dishes, this reliable resource will boost your cooking confidence and help you succeed in your own plant-powered kitchen.

So tell me friends: what is the best book you have read this year? Something to add to the list for November?




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