Natural Bath Cleaning Tips Wellness mom



It seems that if I don’t clean the kitchen, I clean the bathroom. Bathroom cleaning can take a long time due to all the different surfaces and how much they are used. Also, if you have boys and have ever cleaned their bathroom … #eww. Here are my favorite homemade bath cleaners and how to use them.

Make your own homemade bath cleaners

If you’re like me, cleaning the bathroom is your least favorite job. Fortunately, a checklist and some homemade bathroom cleaners are all you need to make your job easier. They also help you save money!

You do not need a lot of luxury cleaners. Cleaning the bathroom can really be easy. Simple ingredients like borax, castil soap and essential oils like eucalyptus make a clean (and fabulously fragrant!) Bath. Here are some of my tried and tested homemade bath cleaners and cleaning tricks.


Like my windows, I clean the mirrors with a mixture of vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Paper towels can leave a lot of residue, but one of my favorite ways to shine mirrors is with redesigned T-shirts (they make great rags). The old newspapers also do a good job.

Cleaning bathroom countertops

I use a microfiber towel I have on hand and a few homemade bath cleaners to remove dirt from my countertops. Don’t forget to wipe the walls from time to time! They can also become dusty and bacterial, especially the walls next to the toilet.

Here are some options for cleaning your own countertops:

Recipes for cleaning tiles, showers and bathtubs

If you have microfiber towels, you can use them for all these surfaces. I even found that they are an effective means of removing soap scum in the shower. If not, other natural options also work great.

Here’s how to get a naturally clean shower and bath:

  • Equal parts of vinegar and warm water will clean the tiles, countertops, cabinet facades and soap scum in the shower. I use 1 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of water.
  • Baking soda and water paste will clean sticky debris in the shower and bath (use vinegar instead of water for really strong stains)
  • Use this homemade shower cleaner for soap scum and rust from hard water. Spray it on the tiles and even the shower doors. This also works well for buildup in bathtubs.
  • Here are some great recipes for cleaning natural tiles and grout.
  • For colored baths and really heavy clutter, this homemade cleaning powder works great, although it is not necessary for regular cleaning.
  • For mold on hard surfaces (such as tiles), tea tree essential oil is a good option. Porous surfaces with mold on them should ideally be replaced, as the mold is also deep below the surface.


About once a week I sprinkle some baking soda on the inside of the toilet to cover it, then pour a glass of white vinegar into the water. Then I clean it well with a reusable toilet brush.

Baking soda and vinegar spike to remove stains and any lasting odor. This also works on the outside of the toilet and the floor to get rid of the smell of “boy” from the bathrooms.

I have found that the prolonged smell of urine (especially in boys training a potty) is often hidden in the hinges of the toilet seat and under the bolt caps on the side of the toilet. I take them off and clean them thoroughly every two weeks.

Here are my recipes for cleaning a naturally clean toilet, inside and out:

General cleaning of the bathroom

Here are some more homemade bathroom cleaners that can be used on multiple surfaces. If you are too busy to make your own cleaners, Branch Basics is my favorite natural cleanser to use on everything. I also found a great company called Grove Collaborative, which I discuss in more detail in this post. They make great natural cleansers and a fantastic glass spray bottle.

Air fresheners

Most of the odor in the bathroom comes from urine and germs on surfaces and in the air. By cleaning everything well, it will naturally take care of any odors. It’s always nice to go into the bathroom and smell something fresh like lemon or cinnamon and cloves.

I’m not a fan of baths that smell of bleach, artificial air fresheners or other toxic chemicals! Products like Febreze and Lysol Spray contain many chemicals that can be really harmful, especially for children. To freshen up the bathroom without toxins, try these natural ideas:

Here are some good cleansing essential oils to try.

How do you clean your bathroom? What is your least favorite cleaning room? Tell me in the comments below!


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