Maintain adequate levels of vitamin D for optimal muscle health *


The total amount of skeletal, heart and smooth muscle in your body makes up your muscle mass and you need enough vitamin D throughout your life to maintain a healthy percentage. *

Higher muscle mass has been linked to a number of health benefits – including slowing muscle loss with age, improving metabolism and even longevity. * A 2014 clinical study found that older people with more muscle mass lived longer than those with less. published in the American Journal of Medicine.

Maintaining healthy muscle mass is not as easy as adding a little vitamin D to your diet (which rarely provides enough of the essential fat-soluble vitamin to significantly affect vitamin D status and health). While a vitamin D supplement is easy to achieve and maintain enough vitamin D throughout life, your muscle mass will also benefit from a complete diet (with a special focus on high-quality and adequate protein) and regular physical activity as well. *

In addition, there are many aspects of body composition (percentage of fat, bone and yes, muscle), unique to each individual, that affect the amount of vitamin D required.

Nutritionist and Director of Research at mbg, Ashley Jordan Ferrari, PhD, RDN, previously said that “Obesity or the amount of body fat you have is one of the key aspects of body composition (as well as pure mass and bone density). Studies have repeatedly shown that adipose tissue is inversely proportional to the state of vitamin D (ie, higher obesity, lower levels of vitamin D).

The reasons for this are various and “include disruptions in storage, dilution and complex feedback circuits”, Ferira explains. She goes on to say: “One major factor is that adipose tissue tends to store fat-soluble compounds such as vitamin D, which makes less of this essential nutrient available for circulation and activation to keep our cells, tissues and organs everywhere. . body.”*

In addition, according to Wright, there appears to be little or no additional benefit of vitamin D on muscle mass once adequacy status is achieved. “In general, vitamin D does not help increase muscle mass if circulating levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D are at or above the recommendations,” says Wright. But as Ferira jokes, “that would be a great problem, as 93% of Americans don’t even take 400 IU of vitamin D3 a day.”

What does this mean for us? Well, the evidence shows that muscle mass is significantly improved by vitamin D supplements for those with deficiency or deficiency of the basic vitamin (again 29% and 41% of older Americans, respectively), so a significant number of the U.S. population can be Benefit From Adding Some Vitamin D To Their Routine Supplement.

Of course, achieving eke just above the vitamin D deficiency limit (30 ng / ml) is not the goal you should strive for, but the limit you should avoid. (More on vitamin D levels to achieve for lifelong health here.)


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