Is running bad for your knees? Joint Health 101


One of the most common misconceptions that prevents people from running is that it ruins your knees. What are the real risks of joint damage? Find out what science says about joint health and how to adjust your shape to protect your knees.

Does running increase the risk of osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis (OA), also called degenerative joint disease, affects millions of people worldwide. This happens when the cartilage that softens your joints gradually degenerates over time. Degenerative joint disease can be caused by injury, but is most often part of the aging process and symptoms sometimes appear after the age of 50. Typical symptoms of osteoarthritis are stiff, inflamed joints and / or swelling around the affected areas.

While many people believe that the effects of running on your knees and thighs will contribute to cartilage damage, research shows that BMI reduction as a result of running has a positive effect on joint health.(12)

How can I change my running shape to protect my knees?

We now know that running actually reduces the risk of osteoarthritis, what other knee injuries do runners experience, and how can you avoid them?

Runner’s knee (IT Band syndrome),, The jumper’s knee, and Dog Anserinus are the most common knee injuries in runners. If you have knee pain, start with identification where it hurts so you can treat it properly.


The first step is to take a break. As always, listen to your body; maybe it’s time to focus on recovery.

Rate your running form to prevent the development of knee problems. The next time you go out for a run, scan your whole body and adjust your shape gradually. Don’t worry about being perfect, it takes time to learn again how to run in a healthy way. Follow these steps to evaluate your technique.

focusing on the right knee

5 steps to improve your running shape

Step 1: Look down. Do your feet point in the direction you are running? If not, focus on straightening them. Stretched legs put unnecessary strain on your knee joints when you run.

Step 2: Keep your knees slightly bent and relaxed. Let them bounce as you run. Be careful not to straighten your legs, step over or land on your heels.

Step 3: Bend your whole body slightly forward, starting from the ankles and keeping your spine straight to the top of your head. Imagine a straight line running up your spine to the top of your skull.

Step 4: Bend your elbows at a 90 degree angle and pull them back behind you to move forward. Keep your hands active and your fists relaxed.

Step 5: Slightly retract your chin and look straight ahead. Keep your neck long, shoulders relaxed, relax your facial muscles and enjoy the strength and grace of your body.

Knee-friendly tip

If you’re simple to run, start slowly. Gradually increase your distance and give your body time to recover over the weekend. Do not overdo it.

Build muscle strength to maintain joint health

Strength training, focused specifically on your lower body, will reduce the strain on your thighs and knee joints. Turn it on lower body workouts in your workout routine to build gluteus muscles, hamstrings and quadriceps. IN Adidas training application offers a wide range of workouts aimed at specific muscle groups.

Changing the look of your workout makes exercise more fun and also much healthier than always doing the same thing. Low impact cross training will give your body a different set of challenges and reduce the risk of repetitive strain or injury from overuse.

Running shoes for joint support

Choosing the right shoes as a beginner runner may seem overwhelming. There are several factors to consider when making a decision, including your arches, pronation, and where you run. Read on our tips for choosing the right shoe.

a man stretching his leg

Look for a moderately soft shoe with medium stability that will allow you to feel connected to the surface you are running on, while providing you with adequate cushioning to absorb shocks to the joints.

IN running barefoot the school of thought claims that the artificial cushioning and stability of conventional sneakers makes your body learn how to run naturally. By running barefoot or with minimalist shoes, you improve the strength of your legs and improve the economy of running. If you decide to try to run barefoot, start slowly, land softly and take good care of your feet.

Run for the health of your joints

Is running bad for your knees? Absolutely not. Statistically, runners are at a lower risk of developing osteoarthritis in their knees than those who do not run. So, tie your shoes – or take them off if you’re ready to try running barefoot – and get started. If you make it a habit to run and follow a regular schedule full of cross-training and strength training, your knees will thank you in the years to come.

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