Gaining weight in middle age is not inevitable – here’s how to soften it


The seven major metabolic hormones include insulin, thyroid, cortisol, DHEA, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Hormones signal when the body needs to burn fat for fuel to create energy and when it needs to store fat in an emergency. All seven hormones must be in balance so that our accumulated fat can receive the right signals.

Your thyroid is a great place to start. Thyroid hormones determine the rate at which fuel burns in your body. It is not enough and your body will retain fat, you will lose too much and unexpectedly.

The job of insulin is to convert sugar into energy. It either uses the energy immediately or stores the sugar in the body for later use. If you have an excessive amount of sugar in your diet, your body will store it as fat. You can fight this by reducing the amount of sugar you eat (including simple carbohydrates and processed sugars), or by using more energy.

Cortisol, DHEA and our sex hormones are produced in our adrenal glands. Our adrenal glands respond to stress and are triggered by our “fight or flight” response. In a life-threatening situation, stress provides us with a surge of energy. However, once the stressful situation is over, we are left feeling tired, hungry and probably even more stressed than before. This prompts us to reach for a quick solution; most likely a sweet breakfast or a bowl of carbs.

Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are second only to the more important hormones insulin and cortisol. If the body’s hormones are out of balance, these “secondary” hormones will not produce at a healthy rate. Low estrogen can affect your mood; low progesterone can lead to heavy menstruation and increased appetite; low testosterone can increase fat retention, directly causing weight gain.

Connecting to what your body tells you can be tricky, but balanced hormones are vital to a healthy weight. Take a close look at your eating habits, mood, stress levels and sex life to find out which hormone may not be balanced for you.

Balancing your hormones will look different to everyone. Some hormonal imbalances are easily seen from the outside. Other hormonal imbalances require blood tests and medication for proper treatment. However, if you think something is wrong, consult your doctor.


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