COVID vaccine for children aged 5 to 11 years: the most common questions answered


On Tuesday, the CDC gave the green light to this age group to receive the Pfizer vaccine, marking the first vaccine against COVID-19 available for children under 12. All Americans ages 5 and older are already eligible for vaccination.

Children will receive two injections of Pfizer at one-third of the adult dose, at 3-week intervals. One important thing to note: Because you are not considered fully vaccinated within 2 weeks of the second vaccination, children who receive their vaccines now will still not have full protection until Thanksgiving.

Studies by Pfizer show that its vaccine is 90.7% effective in preventing COVID-19. None of the children aged 5 to 11 had any serious side effects, according to Pfizer data released by the FDA.

According to the White House, the United States has enough vaccines for all 28 million children who are now eligible.

All vaccines against COVID-19 are free.

“Parents need to feel reassured not only that their children will be protected, but also that this vaccine has undergone the necessary and rigorous evaluation to ensure that the vaccine is safe and highly effective,” said CDC Director Rochelle Valenski, Ph.D. medicine at a recent press conference.

How soon can my child get the COVID-19 vaccine?

Many pediatricians have already pre-ordered the vaccine and are likely to have it ready for use, said Sarah Sally Goza, MD, a pediatrician in Fayetteville, Georgia, and a recent past president of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

However, it is likely to vary by site, according to Andrew Pavia, a doctor of medicine, pediatric infectious disease expert at the University of Utah Health and Intermountain Primary Children’s Hospital.

“Larger clinics and children’s hospitals will be in the first group to be ready to provide the vaccine,” he said.

Various other COVID-19 vaccination sites are also ready to distribute the new vaccine to children.

Viral Solutions, a COVID-19 vaccination and testing site based in Georgia, says it can give children ages 5 to 11 vaccines for COVID-19 as early as Thursday.

Will my child’s pediatrician have the vaccine?

It’s a good idea to call your child’s doctor to see if there are vaccines against COVID-19 for younger children, Goza said.

“I think pediatricians will really get involved here – talking about the vaccine, making parents feel more comfortable with the vaccine, and then being able to give the vaccine,” she said.

But not all pediatricians will have vaccines right away, as Pfizer’s vaccine requires special cooling, not to mention that pediatricians are usually busy at this time of year.

The pharmacy is another great option, says Eric Asher, DO, a family doctor at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York.

“Pharmacists are well trained to administer vaccines,” he said.

“They are also well trained if, in very rare cases, something happens. In fact, in the hospital, when the patient has a side effect of a drug or vaccine, the pharmacy team is the first bed in the group, along with the doctor, who helps treat the patient.

If parents are reluctant to take their 5- to 11-year-old child to a pharmacy to get the COVID-19 vaccine, they should raise any questions or concerns with their pharmacist, says Daniel M. Zer, Ph.D. Department of Pediatric Infection Disease at the University of Washington.

“What’s key is the vaccinator’s experience in vaccinating children,” she said. “This is a question that parents can ask the pharmacy.”

Will the doctor’s office be crowded with children receiving COVID-19 vaccines?

It can be a challenge for some pediatric clinics to cope with the demand for COVID-19 vaccines, especially for children and families who come for other services, according to Pavia.

“They also give catch-up doses of other vaccines to children who missed meetings during the earlier stages of the pandemic and can deal with staff shortages,” he said.

“If your pediatrician will not give the vaccine for a few weeks, you may want to go to a pharmacy.

Parents can also ask their doctor for recommendations on where to take their 5- to 11-year-old child to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, Goza said.

“If pediatricians can’t offer it in their office, they’ll know where parents can get it,” she said.

It is also possible that some practices may offer special vaccine clinics to help meet the demand for new childhood vaccines against COVID-19, Zer said.

But if your pediatrician’s office has COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 5 to 11, it’s a good idea to take them to the doctor, Usher said.

“I think this will be a very welcome request and will provide a great opportunity for primary care providers and pediatricians to catch up with other age-appropriate needs,” he said.

How do I know if my child has serious side effects?

“If the child complains of chest pain or shortness of breath or your child does not look normal, call your pediatrician,” says Asher.

The side effects of COVID-19 for children aged 5 to 11 are likely to be similar, if not milder, than those seen in adults, according to Pavia.

“Sick hands are very common,” he says. “Some children may experience fatigue, chills, muscle aches or fever. These side effects are slightly less common in children aged 5 to 11 years than in teenagers and young adults.

“Most often, these side effects last less than 24 hours, but can last a little longer,” he says.

In general, parents need to trust their instincts, says Zer.

“If you’re worried, call your child’s primary care provider,” she says. “In addition, the CDC has useful information here.”

The CDC also has a free smartphone tool called V-SAFE, which offers you personalized post-vaccination health checks and allows you to tell the CDC about any symptoms you may have.

Based on your answers, the CDC may call you with information about the next steps you can take to resolve your concerns.

Children aged 5 to 11 vary considerably in size; Why is this age group so large?

Doses of the vaccine are based on the body’s age and maturity to develop a strong immune response to body size, Usher said.

“Vaccine trials have focused on vaccine doses over many ages to determine the safest dose with the greatest immune response, with the fewest side effects,” he said.

If you want more information about COVID-19 vaccines for children aged 5 to 11, you can contact your doctor or other healthcare provider. You can also check the CDC and US Department of Health and Human Services websites for updates.

WebMD Health News


News release, FDA.


Daniel M. Zer, MD, Professor, Head of the Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, University of Washington; Medical Director of Infection Prevention, Seattle Children’s Hospital.

Andrew Pavia, MD, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Expert, University of Utah Health and Intermountain Primary Children’s Hospital.

Eric Asher, DO, Family Physician, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York.

Sarah Sally Goza, PhD, pediatrician; immediately past President of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

© 2021 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved.


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