Nicki Minaj accuses a reporter of threatening her family before the heated Twitter exchange


Over the past week, Nicki Minaj has sent waves on social media with her posts. The buzzing began on Monday when the award-winning rapper revealed that he would not be attending the Met Gala in 2021. Nikki identified the lack of childcare for Papa Bear and the requirement to vaccinate at the gala as an influence on her decision. The revelation quickly unfolded in conversation about the effects of the vaccine, research and the freedom to question the vaccine. Until Friday morning, politicians, media personalities and medical professionals criticized Nikki’s comments. By Friday afternoon, Nikki had filed public charges against reporter Charlene Rampersad for alleged threats to her family.

Nikki calls reporter Charlene Rampersad

Nikki started by posting screenshots of WhatsApp messages from Charlene to her family members. In the reports, Charlene introduced herself and her position as a reporter for the Guardian Media. She reveals her intentions to talk to a man named Mr. Daniel about the article. Charlene sent eight messages on Sept. 15 between 11:15 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.

When Charlene did not receive a response, she switched and warned the receiver, Mr. Daniel, that another media outlet was looking for him in pursuit of the same story. She sent a total of five messages in the second batch.

“But just to let you know, CNN is in the country looking for you,” Charlene wrote. “And when they find you, they won’t hesitate to reveal where you live or where your friend lives … anything and everyone connected to you.”

How the conversation about vaccination started

To go back, the story in question involves the friend of Nicki Minaj’s cousin. On Monday, the rapper said on Twitter that her cousin in Trinidad refused to receive the vaccine because his friend had fertility problems after being vaccinated against Covid-19.

“My cousin in Trinidad will not get the vaccine because his friend got it and became impotent,” Nikki wrote on Twitter. “His testicles swelled. His boyfriend was a few weeks away from the marriage, now the girl has canceled the wedding. “

She continued to encourage readers to pray for their decision and be “comfortable” with it instead of “harassed.”

Nikki faces a backlash about the story of her cousin’s friend

The backlash of her story came quickly and hard. From Joy Reed to Dr. Anthony Foci, Nikki has faced harsh criticism for alleged misinformation.

She then shared talks about an invitation to the White House, calling it a “step in the right direction.” Shortly afterwards, White House officials declined the invitation, according to TV presenter Don Limon. Officials reportedly offered Niki only the opportunity to ask a doctor questions about the Covid-19 vaccines. This led to Instagram Live by Nikki. She responded by saying that her character had been killed and called Don Limon “Uncle Tomiana.”

Nicky and Charlene exchange words on Twitter

After Nikki posted Charlene’s messages on WhatsApp, she claimed that the media “imposed [her] the family to hide. She wrote threats against Charlene, telling her to “count her days” among derogatory names like “b *** h” and “dirty h * e.” She also released the reporter’s phone number and two photos.

Shortly afterwards, Nikki first revealed a topic on Twitter posted by Charlene on Thursday. Charlene says Trinidad and Tobago is in a state of emergency and vaccination is their “way out.” In addition to statistics on the unvaccinated population of the islands, Charlene accused Nikki of using her platform “to spread lies.”

“We’re not some island fantasy you have to come up with if you’re bored,” Charlene wrote on Twitter. “1391 people died from Covid-19 here. Leave us alone now. “

Nicky began his explosion by asking if the account that posted the tweets was the same person who was “harassing his family.”

“Stupid piece of fucking,” Nikki also wrote on Charlene’s Twitter. “You used threats and manipulation. I also want to know how CNN feels about you by including them in this for your personal agenda. “

Then Charlene clarified that there was no threat. She reiterated that the Guardian “will not disclose personal information” and said it presented it as a “better option” to CNN.

Nikki then told Charlene to “leave [her] just a family ”and deal with it, while calling Charlene a“ fool ”and a“ clown ”.

Nicki Minaj’s answers to Sharlene are no longer available on the platform.

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