How to prevent tingling in the inner thigh and nipple of the jogger


Are you tired of feeling your skin sanding slowly while exercising? Rubbing is a skin irritation caused by rubbing. Internal friction of the thigh is often caused by friction of the thighs while walking or running. The rubbed nipples, often called the “jogger’s nipple”, arise from the friction of the nipples in clothing.

Preventing deletion is simple. This guide will show you how to prevent numbness of the inner thigh, nipple of jogging, rubbing of the groin, bruising of the buttocks and armpits. You will also learn how to treat bruised skin.

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Internal rubbing of the thigh

Thigh rubbing occurs in most people when exercising. Someone with bigger thighs will struggle more with rubbing the inside of the thigh than someone with smaller thighs. Keep in mind that rubbing the inside of the thigh is not limited to people who are struggling with their weight. People with very muscular thighs can also experience rubbing on the inside of the thigh.

Like all worn out, moisture from sweat and friction causes internal rubbing of the thigh. The inner thighs work hard during most cardio exercises, which means that they also tend to sweat a lot. Walking and running can cause friction in the inner thighs.

In addition, the inner skin of the thigh is thin. The thinness of the skin makes it more vulnerable to micro-tears caused by friction. Sweat and bacteria enter the open skin and worsen the rubbing. This causes a red rash, which usually occurs from rubbing the inside of the thigh.

How to treat internal tingling in the thigh

Choose clothes that fit the skin. For example, a good pair of shorts or tights can protect your thighs when rubbed together. Ensure a tight fit so that the material of the garment itself does not cause numbness on the inside of the thigh. Consider compression garments. Do not wear cotton when exercising.

Apply rubbing cream on the inside of the thighs. Many people use Vaseline, but it can contaminate clothing. Buying a sports-specific wiping cream is a much better solution so that your equipment looks great and lasts a long time.

Jogar nipples / abraded nipples

Jogger’s nipple, runner’s nipple or just worn nipples – whatever you call them – hurt and happen to most people. Loose-fitting shirts with graphics or sports bras are the most common culprits. Shirts and bras can rub the nipples during exercise, sanding through layers of sensitive skin. This happens most often when running, but can even happen when walking or doing other exercises.

Deleted nipples are more likely to appear when it is cold because the nipples are more upright, making them more likely to rub against shirts or bras. Jogger nipples are also likely to occur when hot or humid, as running tips are soaked with sweat.

woman trains

How to treat jogger nipples / abraded nipples

Get appropriate clothing. A properly fitting sports bra will remove moisture, prevent unnecessary friction and create a physical barrier against the shirt. Choose a countertop without printed graphics on the front that won’t move too much (like a compression tip). Use tips specifically designed for your business. Never wear cotton when you know you will sweat a lot.

Use nipple barriers. The nipple barriers work because the top will rub against the barrier, not your nipple. These can be medical bandages or special products designed with athletes in mind. Athletic nipple adhesives have the advantage of staying attached even when you sweat a lot.

Use a rubbing cream. The rubbing cream lubricates your nipples so that any tissue that rubs on them will slide on the lubrication instead of slowly grinding your nipples.

Until the rubbing cream is wiped off, this is …

That’s why you see places where people can supplement with a rubbing cream during holding events such as marathons. The race is just too long to pull the cream so that people can apply repeatedly throughout the race. You can do this on your training runs or rides! Carry small amounts of rubbing cream with you in your pocket or hydration pack.

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Rubbing the groin

Rubbing of the groin often occurs because the skin in this area is very sensitive and thin. It can be very wet during exercise. There are also many skin folds in this area, which means that there are more places where the skin can rub on itself or on underwear. Clothes also gather in the groin area, which makes rubbing even more likely!

Many people face groin injuries. It’s awkward, maybe even awkward, but don’t worry! This happens because you are an athlete!

How to avoid numbness of the groin

Do not shave your groin. This may sound counterintuitive, but pubic hair creates a barrier on which clothes can be brushed instead of rubbing directly on your skin.

Shaving this area exposes your skin to folliculitis (infected hair follicles). This is because you are essentially opening up your skin when you shave. When you are active and sweating in this area, bacteria enter directly into your skin, causing unpleasant rubbing of the groin and bacterial infection.

Choose cotton underwear. Performance-oriented synthetic fabrics are a safe choice for the bottom of the exercise because they will remove sweat from your skin. Some running shorts also come with short running liners that are breathable and prevent sweat build-up. Make sure that the tightness of your underwear does not cause numbness or tingling in the thigh where your feet meet the pubic area.

Use a rubbing cream. Apply a rubbing cream where your legs meet and the inside of your thighs. Apply a cream to rub the pubic area if you feel tingling there. Rubbing cream is key to this area, as sports-specific rubbing creams also contain anti-bacterial ingredients. This will help prevent bacterial infections in the groin area.

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close to the torso of the runner

Rubbing the buttocks

Rubbing in the buttocks (rubbing the buttocks) is very common and you have nothing to feel bad about. Rubbing in this area usually occurs between the cheeks of the buttocks and lower near the anus. This is a very moist area that faces a lot of friction and there are several areas where the skin gathers. In other words, it has all the ingredients for a bad back abrasion (also known as “monkey ass”).

How to stop erasing the backs

Wear a good bottom. Underwear or running shorts that are too tight will not allow the buttocks to breathe while exercising. In addition, underwear that is too small can ride between your butt (which gives you a wedge) and irritate your butt in this way. Underwear that is too large can accumulate and get between your cheeks on your ass.

Apply rubbing cream. It may seem strange at first, but just give it a try. Apply rubbing cream on the insides of your buttocks cheeks where they could rub. This can save your ass!

Want to build a bigger ass? Try these prey drills!!

Armpits or armpits

Rubbing the armpits happens because the skin is very thin and sensitive under your arms. The friction that causes rubbing is due to swinging movements of your hands when running, walking or almost any movement. In addition, the area does not breathe very well.

How to avoid the armpits

Avoid shaving your armpits. Hair that grows back acts like sandpaper on your skin. Like rubbing the groin, opening the skin of the armpits by shaving increases the likelihood of bacteria entering through the open skin and causing infection.

Wear special sportswear when training. Wear a running cannon or a bicycle cannon for cycling. The top will draw sweat from your skin and allow air to pass through the garment onto your skin. This helps keep the armpits drier.

Apply rubbing cream. When all else fails, lubricate the area during exercise with a sports-specific rubbing cream.

How to treat bruised skin

You followed all the tips to avoid bruised skin, but it happened anyway.

Heal bruised skin by following this easy 5-step process:

  1. Clean the area. Gently rub the bruised skin with a soap designed for sensitive skin. This can hurt a little at first – be brave!
  2. Moisturize the area. Avoid products that clog skin pores.
  3. Allow the skin to breathe by wearing loose clothing. Be careful, however, that loose clothing does not cause more rubbing.
  4. Allow the skin to heal for a few days.
  5. Get the right equipment so it doesn’t happen again!

Are you curious about another common exercise injury? See this guide for stop the blisters on their tracks!!

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