5 things that make your immune system weaker –


Immunity is in the minds of all of us these days, for everything the reasons. If you want to boost your immune system a bit – in addition to getting the vaccine and following all the current CDC guidelines – read about a guest article by Laura May, digital editor at Just another magazine,, about five things you can do that actually make your immune system weaker.

Cultivating a strong immune system is a smart goal, and the events of the COVID-19 pandemic provided a sharp reminder of why you need to make it a priority. The lower your body’s defenses, the easier it is for you to get your life off the rails of whatever disease is going on around you — and even though COVID-19 has done a lot of damage, we are always were surrounded by diseases that have the potential to hit us hard.

Unfortunately, at a time when it is more important than ever to be able to fight infections, many of us have a weaker immune system than our ancestors. However, you do not need to panic, because your immune system is not built in stone: if you solve the problems that make it weaker, you can increase your caution and be prepared for anything that may attack you.

In this post, we will look at five things that negatively affect your immune system. If you can take appropriate action, you can give yourself a boost. Let’s get to them:

1. Everyday stress

Stress is something we all have to deal with, but to varying degrees. Mild stress is good: it challenges you to stand out by keeping you motivated. But severe stress, or the stress you go through on a daily basis, is a very different perspective. This type of stress cannot end problems, disrupt your body systems and make you struggle to do something.

If you can deal with the things that cause your stress, do it. However, if you can’t, you’ll need to figure out ways to change the way they make you feel. Learning to get rid of what you can’t control is not easy (there are a few things more difficult, in fact), but it can happen if you engage in the process and stay open to things like introspection. and meditation. The therapy is great for that too!

2. Insufficient nutrition

During difficult times, it is easy to fall into bad eating habits, whether you eat fast food regularly after a long day or overdo it over the weekend – these habits can affect your immune system. Try to include more fruits and vegetables that you like in your regular diet. Nothing extreme: just do everything you can. (Remember, all good things are moderate!)

And if for some reason you can’t get everything you need through your diet, consider supplements. You may have heard a great deal about vitamins and immune support supplements in the context of providing supplements for students (forcing them to eat sensibly is often a big challenge), but they are also useful for adults. Even occasional multivitamins will help, although you may want to visit a nutritionist to find out if you have any obvious deficiencies that need to be addressed.

3. Excessive cleanliness

Due to the urgent need to keep COVID-19, we are all used to washing our hands very often (especially when we’ve been shopping), so it may seem strange — and even dangerous — to consider calling back your personal hygiene. But let me explain why this is something you need to take seriously (and yes, you need to wash your hands often). Our immune system develops by exposing ourselves to the world around us: as we fight numerous low-level threats, they become better rounded.

When you start making a concerted effort to avoid anything muddy or dirty, you are preventing your immune system from gaining the experience it needs to develop. Then, when something big comes along, you struggle to fight it. So what do you need to do? Well, let’s be clear: hand washing is never a problem. You should wash your hands regularly. The problem is also not showering or bathing too often (although this is not great for your skin).

No, the problem is the lack of exposure to an environment that is not mostly sterile (this is especially a problem for children nowadays). In other words, not to pollute and pollute in parks and fields, nor even to develop hermaphobic tendencies. So, if you spend too much time indoors, find time to go out, enjoy a little exercise, and dig through a little mud (before you wash off when you’re done). It will be of great help.

4. Poor hydration

We need water. We are water to a large extent: more than half of you are water, believe it or not. So, if you do not stay hydrated, this will obviously have significant consequences, which will affect your overall health and reduce the effectiveness of your immune system. Fortunately, and for obvious reasons, this is the easiest problem to solve.

Just start drinking more water. Ignore the banal claims that there are a certain number of glasses of water that you should drink every day. The amount you need to drink in a day will depend on what you do and how you exercise. If you feel thirsty, drink some water. Drink some water every time you eat.

5. Insufficient sleep

Burning a candle at both ends can be very tempting and is unfortunately a success. How many stories are told about how big entrepreneurs earned their fortunes by working 120-hour weeks? But let’s not confuse success with health, because such a schedule is extremely harmful both physically and mentally. And when the human body is pushed to the limit, the immune system suffers.

Now you can’t guarantee eight stable hours of sleep every night, even with sleeping pills. It just doesn’t work that way. But you can improve your chances of sleeping well by doing things like light exercise in the evening, installing dark blinds, and minimizing the use of electronic devices an hour before bed. The better you sleep, the better you will feel and the easier it will be to fight infections.

What are some of the ways to boost your immunity these days? –Laura May

Laura May is a digital editor at Just Another Magazine. In Just Another Magazine, they write about beauty, fashion, lifestyle, travel, trends and everything else that matters to their readers. The name that throws you out? Don’t take it too seriously – they intend to stand out from the crowd while creating content in their unique style.

More ways to boost your health and immunity


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