Derek Huff and Hailey Erbert on the style of the strong couple and finding confidence


E !: What do you like to do with Express?
DH: I’ve been shopping for Express for a long time. I love bold colors and amazing outfits, but it is vital for the dancer to have a comfortable, stretchy fabric in which to move. You can really do anything with Express clothes. They look great and are actually super comfortable. Again, being a dancer, wearing hard clothes is the equivalent of nails on a blackboard. The flexibility you get from Express is so good.

HE: I continue to shop from Express because of the flexibility of their products. You can gather a look for all kinds occasion and my favorite thing is that there are so many pieces you can wear to work one day and for an evening out on the weekend. They have so many items that you can carry in many settings.

E !: Tell me about your express campaign.
DH: Being a dancer is all about expressing yourself, expressing yourself and also giving you that confidence. Something I always say is that confidence is not something you have. Confidence is something you do. You do things that give you confidence to feel a certain way. Dancing is a great way to do this for me, but no matter how passionate you are, if you keep doing it, it helps build confidence. This is something I love on all these platforms like TikTok and Instagram: people have the opportunity to share their passions. They can share their energy and express themselves. Expressing yourself through clothes can be a huge part of expressing your personality. I also love bright colors to express my personality.

HE: It’s also about finding that confidence through your personal style and keeping in mind that everyone feels confident in different things. For us, specifically, we wear what we feel confident dancing. Express has some really good tracks to make everyone feel included and confident.

E !: This view of building confidence as an action, instead of just having it, is such a logical and accessible way to think of “confidence” as achievable.
DH: I would say that this is a more empowering way of thinking. Instead of thinking you’re losing something or not having confidence, you may feel empowered to take action. Do certain things that build you up and help you feel a certain way about who you are. For us, much of this comes from dance, but in a more general sense it is about finding ways out of self-expression.


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