Online courses that are really worth it


Are they boosting mental health? Gain skills that mean they turn to you for insight, be it empathy training or attention to fulfillment. Is your boss considering going to zero? Become its sustainability expert by learning about green human resources and corporate ethics.

Communication and other soft skills

Don’t be the person who spells Slack or confuses colleagues with poorly written emails. Workers always point to communications and other “soft” skills as the most sought-after attributes, regardless of industry or role, so do them well.

This will help you not only in your current role, but also in your job search. When your future boss asks about your qualifications, don’t just talk about your role-specific hard skills, but show how you learned other soft skills such as negotiating or team building or personal productivity.

The courses do not need to be directly applicable in the business world either. Take an online writing course with Roxane Gay or a stand-up comedy class by Judd Apatow – your boss is unlikely to ask you to create a personal essay or do improvisation in the office, but these types of courses will help you write more clearly or gain confidence. for meetings.

Some skills are taken for granted or indicated in your CV. At Masterclass, essayist David Sedaris has a session on how to tell better stories, a talent that will help in an interview, at work and in a pub. And RuPaul offers tips for authenticity and self-expression – what better soft skills could you want?

Wake up for work

You need to move on to diversity training to discover your own biases, become a better person, and treat people around you more fairly – but there is more to self-learning than unconscious bias training.

So while Coursera, for example, hosts lessons on diversity and inclusion in the workplace, it also offers programs that teach anti-racism, as well as the history of the Black Lives Matter, sexuality and gender identity.

The free online course for Indigenous Canadians at the University of Alberta is one of Coursera’s most popular classes and received an unexpected boost when Sheets Creek star Dan Levy registers to learn. This is really intriguing – you will get more out of it than you would watch a sitcom, albeit a charming one, for the 18th time.

Grow yourself

There is more to life than work, but you will no doubt do better in your career if you become a lifelong learner. This should not be as boring as it sounds, as the hours do not need to be directly applicable to work, instead choose everything that catches your eye.

For example, Masterclass has big names that offer a glimpse into the worlds that made them famous. So instead of watching another episode of strange eye sign up for the Tan France style course; forget to overeat Chef, and take Jotham Otolengi’s cooking class.


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