Ready For Cancer Season? Here’s What To Know, From An Astrologer


We’re gearing up for an astrologically dynamic Cancer season, with the sun moving through the sign of the crab, as well as Mars and Jupiter in fiery Aries. And with the influence of impassioned Mars and Jupiter, Cancerian themes are sure to be amplified, according to astrology expert and author of Astrology SOS Imani Quinn.

Because Cancer season begins on the same day as the summer solstice, Quinn explains, “It’s welcoming in a new season, which means it’s welcoming in change and new energy.” And Cancers are known for being very family-oriented and having a close knit group, she adds, “so this is a great time to spend time with your loved ones and people that you enjoy being around, really nurturing your relationships.”

Now, factoring in the impact of Mars and Jupiter, Quinn tells mbg that the strong activation of both planets in Aries will emphasize the urge to expand and start something new. Plus, we’re coming off an intense eclipse season and a Mercury retrograde, so the lighter energy of early Cancer season will have us feeling relieved and ready to take action — though things may feel denser the farther into the season we go.

“There’s this really light, social energy, and an opportunity for new beginnings, then as we move farther into Cancer season, into July and away from Gemini season, there’s going to have to be an emotional breakthrough in order to move forward with projects, “Quinn explains.

So, while you may want to dive into something new headfirst, she notes that the best thing you can do at this time is tap into your emotional body. “If you need a breakthrough in order to get through a project or get through shifting a relationship, you’re going to have to go through the emotional experience and the emotional story behind it, in order to charge forward and find a clear pathway to get there, “she tells mbg.


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