How to start running barefoot >> Shoes for bare feet


Running barefoot needs a little performance. This has been around for a while (ask your ancestors) and on the surface it’s as simple as taking off your shoes. But it is your boss is doing well? A decade after the barefoot boom, here’s what we’ve learned so far.


The recent trend in barefoot running was triggered by author Christopher McDougall’s claim that we were “born to run” (barefoot, of course). His 2009 book with that name sold millions of copies and led to an explosion of runners who took natural style. The Society of Barefoot Runners sprang up that same year and in support of all this, Nature published a study showing how running barefoot is less likely to cause injury.(1)

It is believed that the biomechanical change in gait, foot angle and impact pattern when running barefoot increases leg strength and natural sensitivity, as well as improves tendon elasticity and running economy.(2) (3) (4) There is also the attractiveness of being literally in contact with nature (photo white sandy beaches and leafy paths).

This is a compelling argument that has inevitably excited as many critics as fans. As regular shoe wearers, most of us have developed a gait and musculature pillow shoes. Compared to our ancestors (or the ultra-fleeing Mexican Tarahumara tribe), we are generally heavier, fatter, and taller — not exactly a recipe for success. So what does science say?

ultra runner Timothy Olson


The central claim of the barefoot movement is that running without shoes reduces injuries. The first study, which correctly tests the theory, gives exciting results – barefoot people suffer fewer injuries!(5) The truth, however, was uncomfortable. It turned out that the barefoot runners in question were running halfway out of their shoes. There is no difference in the number of injuries per kilometer.

But that’s not the whole story. Running barefoot makes us hit the ground with the front of the foot. This is a natural response to the heavy impact of landing on the heel without softening. Acceptance of this model of blows to the front steps reduces both the peak stretching of the knee and the length of the stride.(3) (6)

By retraining for landing on the front leg, frequent injuries to the hip, plantar fascia and knee are reduced, while injuries to the Achilles tendon and calf are increased. (5) (7) (8) For those with recurrent knee problems, running barefoot can offer relief, provided the strain on the Achilles and calf is well tolerated.

Did you know?

Reducing the weight of the shoes for every 100 grams is equal to 1% savings in economy.


Landing on the front of the foot has other advantages. This pattern of kicking activates the plantar (sole) surface of the foot and the Achilles tendon, returning elastic energy with each step.

In addition, while conventional running shoes contribute to muscle weakness by artificially stabilizing the foot, running barefoot improves leg strength by activating these muscles. Simply walking in minimalist shoes is just as effective at increasing leg strength as specific strength training.(3)

Running economy is also improved by running barefoot, although it is not clear what contribution to foot strength, elastic energy or simply saving the weight of the shoes has.(9) (10) (11) As for the actual performance, the evidence is unclear – although many runners perceive improvement after training without shoes.(8)

What are barefoot shoes?

Barefoot shoes or minimalist sneakers are designed to minimize “interference with the natural movement of the foot.” (12) They are classified according to flexibility, heel drop, weight, stack height (heel sole thickness) and motion control / stability technology.

In essence, the more flexible, flat, light, thin and simple the shoe, the more “natural” the movement.

Minimalist shoes offer many of the benefits of running barefoot, while eliminating the risk of thermal injuries, cuts and abrasions.


Running barefoot will change the way you run, however It’s an injury neither more nor less likely. Injuries are more likely to occur in the Achilles tendon and calf than in the knee and tendon.

You don’t have to be a front-legged striker to be an excellent runner, but adapting your gait and running pattern can develop the strength of the foot and the elasticity of the tendons,, as well as raising awareness of the running form.

These changes have the potential to benefit from productivity, but as with everything new, starts small and progresses slowly is essential to avoid injury. Equally, maintaining a comprehensive learning incentive is essential to prevent detraining – running barefoot should not limit the amount you train.

Now you know, here are some guidelines for making the transition.

3 tips for the transition to running barefoot


The transition to running barefoot should take place over several months. Getting used to it can take longer. During the first week, running barefoot should take up no more than 10% of your daily volume for a maximum of 10 minutes a day. Increase barefoot running by 5% every week thereafter.


Start with a soft surface where you are unlikely to cut your feet (such as a football field, sports track) until you feel confident to try asphalt or gravel. Run lightly – focus on a “quiet” move to reduce the impact. Land on your front foot to take the blow and add a spring to your step.


Keep your toenails short and cover any cuts or blisters. Wash and moisturize your feet after running. Consider a pair of minimalist running shoes, especially if you have a high BMI. Being overweight increases the likelihood of injury when running barefoot. Avoid running without shoes if you have reduced the sensitivity of your feet, as in diabetes. Finally, take a break from running barefoot if you feel new pain or injury.

Running barefoot is a great way to add variety to your training. Maybe it’s time to take off your shoes?

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